J’adopte un composteur

Composting is good, composting well is better! 3 time slots: 4pm, 5pm and 6pm
Haute-Corrèze Communauté offers local residents the chance to take a composting course and obtain a free composter.
Why take a composting course?
Composting is an ecological approach that's within everyone's reach. By recycling your organic waste, you reduce the quantity of waste sent to landfill or incineration sites, thus contributing to the fight against global warming. So learning how to compost properly is the key to adopting a more environmentally-friendly attitude on a daily basis. The "j'adopte un composteur" training course helps you to understand the biological mechanisms involved in the composting process, so that you can compost more efficiently. This will reduce the risk of creating unbalanced or smelly compost.


Opening on 20 June 2025
Vendredi 16h00 at 17h00 and 18h00 at 19h00


