By car, by bus, by train or by plane, find here all Haute-Corrèze’s access informations to organize your trip !

By car

By motorway: Along the A 89, exit Ussel-Est or Ussel-Ouest.

By road: From Tulle, along the D1089; from Clermont-Ferrand, along the N89; from Limoges, along the D979; from Aubusson, along the D982.

(Almost) all roads lead to us!

By bus

Flixbus proposes regular trips from all the major French cities. Discover them here!

Be aware that the drop-off point is at the Ussel-Est toll gate, so make sure you 


By train

Trains and TER train cars provide regular transfers to and from Bort-les-Orgues, Ussel, Tulle, Brive-la-Gaillarde, Limoges and Clermont-Ferrand. More information here!

By plane

Regular shuttles provide service to the two nearest aeroports: Brive-Vallée de la Dordogne and Clermont-Ferrand !