To your paddles ! Explore our lakes and water ways in the daytime and bivouac at night. Share family and fun moments. In Haute-Corrèze we promise you water and fun !

Haute-Dordogne and the most beautiful lakes of Haute-Corrèze
At the heart of the gorges of Haute-Dordogne, on the lakes of the dams of Neuvic and Bort-les-Orgues, or on Séchemailles Lake… All summer long, nature lovers may safely enjoy canoeing, kayaking and rowing in Haute-Corrèze. Whether you prefer to opt for guidance, monitoring or to freely rent equipment… You’ll find what you are looking for here !

What Sports Nature Stations offer
On the Diège or Vézère rivers or one of the many lakes here, there are four sports nature stations in the area that offer canoeing and kayaking rentals or can lead rafting expeditions. Get ready to row to the best spots in Haute-Corrèze! Discovery sessions are available all summer long!