Abandon yourself to speed ! Slide across the water ! With our three lakes covering over 1500 hectares and dozens of areas for jumping, slalom, barefoot…..speed and strong sensations are guaranteed !

Next to Bort-Les-Orgues : Univers glisse
At the meeting point of the departements of the Puy-du-Dôme, the Cantal and the Corrèze and by the beautiful Château du Val, you can have fun in the huge reservoir of the dam of Bort-les-Orgues. 21km of waterski paths ! Truly for everyone, baby-ski lessons from 3 years old !

Neuvic area : the Station Sports Nature of the Haute-Dordogne and the motonautique club of the Triouzoune.
Try it out in safey on the Triouzoune lake. You will learn quickly at the Station Sports Nature of the Haute-Dordogne !